So the wife and I (well, me more than her, naturally) are embarking on a new project for the year. Hopefully, I can convince her that this might work, because for some strange reason, she seems reluctant. I mean, at the moment, she’s not really convinced about any of this — although you’d be hard pressed to say that she’s not any good at it. Anyway, I’m calling it:
The Celebrity Diner
because the whole idea, is that one day, we’ll have celebrities over for dinner — maybe helping out in the kitchen...because those dishes aren’t going to wash themselves.
I can’t really say if it’ll work or not…(the obvious answer is not) but you never know. Stranger things have happened, and we do live in Hollywood North.
Personally, I think she did a great job with this.
The video itself needs working on, but that’s on me. All I have is an iPad to work with, so I guess it’ll have to do. I might get better, but right now, I look like a contestant of that Golden Oldie “Ted Mack’s Original Amateur Hour,” and if you remember that show, you’re older than dirt.
I don’t know how often these will be coming out, hopefully once a month. I told her that tonight but she didn’t want to hear anything about it; I supposed this is what you might say…a trial run. I can tell you right now she doesn’t like the idea of going outside and walking the streets of Vancouver in the cold and rain. So…I might be able to convince her to do a few meals for some friends…I don’t think Michael Bublé is taking my calls at the moment…
My sister-in-law went to Europe in late September last year — trying to avoid the hot weather I imagine — and I’m going to ask her if she wants to come over for a proposed Pasta night she says she’s excited to get into with us. (Us of course, meaning her and her sister.) Sounds like a great night to me.
So, what is it I plan to do with this idea? Well, I thought I’d take her downtown and we try out different Michelin Star restaurants in the area, once a month. I can only use what funds I have available from what I make here, and right now, that’s not very much. That’s one of the reasons I have to put this behind the paywall — I’m retired and living on a pension. Whatever money we generate from this site will go to the lunches and dinners we’ll be trying. I’m going to look at the fancy places in town and give them a call, ask if they’ll do an interview, maybe a tasting menu, and see what happens. The worst they can say is no. There are ten Michelin Star restaurants in downtown Vancouver we can look into. Very pricey, but hey, I think she’s worth it.
There’s lots to see downtown when it comes to food, and being foodies, you couldn’t ask for a better place to live than in the Vancouver area. We have an Indian Bistro just around the corner from our place that we visit. She calls it: “Eating Brown.” As she is so fond of saying: “No judging, people.”
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