So, what was the 'Workman's Comp' agreement for losing your digits?

You could have told her long before you did...You're the man she loved enough to marry;

the hero in subconscious hibernation awaiting the time to rise to the occaision.

Really glad to have saved this as a part of this little collection of stories to read for that moment after sending all the kids and Grandkids with their buddies home....TIME I JUST NEED A DAMNED BREAK with a glass of vino.

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I did a real messy job with my index finger and the one beside it. I was 23. Hadn't met my wife yet. Put it some place I shouldn't have. The person behind on the next job started it up, the chains jerked, and the 4x4 that was on the chains jumped forward. I'd left the rolls on and was walking beside the planer when I noticed a piece of wood sticking up. I thought, that's gonna screw me up if I don't take it out right now. So I reached it, not knowing we'd started up again. The 4x4 hit the back of my hand and pushed it into the side head--a cylinder with 24 knife blades rotating at about a million RPM. Lost the tip of my index finger to just behind the nail. They left the knuckle. The other finger was hit on the side. Cut the tendon and nerve. It's at a permanent 45 degree angle. Most people don't even noticed it. My sister in law didn't notice it for almost 20 years. I got $5,000 for it. I was stupid with it because I was living with a junkie at the time and we bought all sorts of drugs. Oh well...

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OMG! Fingers have more nerve endings than virtually anywhere else on the human body; except the face...When working in Human Resources in a Plastics Plant had several having parts removed; sliced, diced, crushed and pulled...YOUCHY!!! Sad fact is; some were young, dumb...And, it's a certainty you know the rest.

A FEW DID IT PURPOSELY FOR THE COMPENSATION AND A VACATION; unscheduled, of course. Missing work on a 'Point System' would only accrue one point...For as long as recuperation required.

Never understood that...Almost as suicide to solve a temporary problem.

A nail growing back appearing as a pimple...As though pus was rising to the surface sounds disgusting. Did you ever feel phantom pain?

Brother worked in a Steel Foundary pouring molten metal the old way before Robots replaced the position in the middle of summer right out of High School. He had a metal splinter removed one week. When he had me assess the issue I asked if he was given anything for infection and he responded he had.

The next day, he showed-up at my house with his hand swollen as large as good-sized mushmellon which grow pretty large here in Indiana near the MI border. The company had to search for a specific 'Hand Surgeon to remove the infection and avoid sepsis'. The surgery required 4 hours and when he returned to Recovery it was laid-open from wrist to the bottom of the third finger. The nurse placed his whole hand in a metal bowl of Rubbing Alcohol and he screamed and cursed so loud Security ran to the area to restrain him.

DUDE...REALLY DON'T KNOW HOW YOU GUYS SURVIVE SUCH HORRORS. Just know growing-up on a farm was a positive advantage as it taught about real life to handle such as you and your digits which sounded pretty horrendous. HONESTLY...Don't know how you dealt with the pain...Except the drugs. 🤔😿

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My ex Sister-in-law is a psychic. Very strong. The day I came home with my hand all bandaged up, and antibiotics--but no pain killers except for a couple of T-3s. I gave the antibiotics to my dad because he cut his finger that day (he worked in a different mill). We were going out drinking that night. Antibiotics and alcohol don't work. We were sitting in the club and suddenly the pain I was feeling stopped. I mean, literally, gone. I looked at my sister-in-law and I said: "Did you just do that?" "I took the pain away." She held out her right hand and I touched her index finger. It was hot. I told her not to do that. Pain only gets to a certain level. Once you accept that, you can handle the rest. It hurt like FUCK! But every day it was a little less.I cut it on the Victoria Day long weekend--(your Memorial Day)--and the doctor said I was good to go on June 15. I went out to my car, put the key in and heard the radio as the announced that the IWA has just served Strike notice. So instead of sitting the strike out and getting paid full wages, I had to walk the picket line to make a hundred bucks, if that.

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Of course... the things you do as a matter of course. Damn!

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You are a wonderfully inventive writer Ben.

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It's not hard when it's all true.

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The Mill: setting for an action movie. Starring: you :-) Great story!

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