Thanks for the lovely shout out Ben. Rest assured you won't disappoint me, if you don't see me around it's because I lack time not desire to read your work. I'm loving Jack of Diamonds! Your imagination and skill are amazing, first to be able to get the dialect down so well and being able to paint the picture of the manors and countryside! Well done.

I'm not sure when your anniversary date is but be sure to nurture yourself that week. Do things that are fun or distracting or relaxing, whatever moves you and helps you get through. It's a tough time those anniversaries, especially the first one.

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Thanks Donna. It's the 2nd anniversary and it's right smack dab in the beginning of January. January 10th 2022. I can't believe how far I've come since then. I mean, I still get triggered, and I'm just as surprised as anyone when it happens. My wife asked what my triggers are, and I told her I didn't know. I told her that if I were to face a good friend 's mother, I'd probably break down if she said something as simple as, And how are you doing since the accident? But, one day at a time.

I'm glad you like "Jack of Diamonds." It's the story I was writing when the accident occurred. I had to put it aside for months before I put it up here. But there were only 30 subscribers to my 'stack back then. I'm hoping this will pick up a few more readers and PAID subscribers. I want to print out some of my stories and send them out!

And as for THE DAWN PATROL, it jumps back and forth in time. It has elements of psychic abilities that might catch a few of my listeners--I love saying that now--but it might catch them off guard. I hope it still holds their interest.

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Another great story, Ben. I just can't imagine how you can write several stories at one time! And each one so different, with so many different voices. Amazing! The last line was so good here -- these people are nothing but trouble...

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Thanks Sharron. I love dysfunctional people for some strange reason. I've known them all my life. I worked with them, and grew up with them. And finding out that my life was so different from theirs; that I had a happy childhood. My parents encouraged my artistic side, and I think they understood my need to be different. Maybe it had a lot to do with the dreams they may have had themselves? But those dreams had to be set aside because of circumstances, and the War. I might not have reached my potential in my youth, but my life isn't over yet, and I have a lot I want to accomplish, for me.

We had a friend over the other night (Monday). She's one of my PAID subscribers, and she said that she sat at the table with her son listening to me read out THE DAWN PATROL. She looked at me and said: 'Keep on reading. You're going to be famous just for that. You're going to become a success, just for that alone.' I love that woman. I asked her if I should wear a tie. 'No! But you could wear that hat...' She knows, and gets me, more than anyone else I know. It's not hard to write about different people when you have great people around you.

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Well said, Ben. I think the dysfunctional people we have known and lived with give us our best stories. I would venture to say that each story I write carries personal experience in it - even the ones about boxers, bartenders and bumbling womanizers. But, I do have to say that the greatest supporters I have around me are a handful of generous substack writers who I consider friends though we have never met.

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That is so true. I never had a lot of support from the people I worked with for 45 years. There was a handful at most, who believed I was a good writer. But coming here, to Substack, I have found more people to support me than I could have ever imagined. So when our friend said that I would become famous as a writer, I wanted to believe her because she believes in me. You can't ask for more from a friend.

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Right you are, Benny Boy. And, by the way, when you DO become famous and have an agent, could you put in a good word for your friend, Sharron? I cannot support you financially, and I am sorry for it. You deserve to be paid - as we all do. But you have my moral and inspirational support, for what they are worth.

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I appreciate that, and I will take care of you!

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