In forty-something years you'd have enough stories to fill an encyclopedia with the antics that went on daily while at work. Go for it man

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You should keep writing about the mill! Have you read the work of Larry Brown. I think you might like his sensibilities.

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I'm writing about the mill, Are you upgrading?

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I just checked him out.

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I think you should definitely write about the mill.

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I will. I appreciate that people want to hear about the mill while all I try to do is forget it (See, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, STEVE in my "Scribbles.") In fact, I was talking to my neighbour yesterday about the fact that he is still on strike. (He's a bus driver.) Our strikes--I should say--picket line--was on a dead end street. There were usually four people on picket duty. Everybody brought beer (4 cases), some brought rye (a 26'er) and usually, at least three or four joints to last the four hours we were on picket duty. And there was always a huge bonfire in the middle of the parking lot.

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Indeed! Grand dauphine readers are apt to prefer the sage meanderings of the Working Class Hacks at the mill where the Earth appears as rust which could be clay as in Georgia, the 🍑 State don't you know.

May not have the time to read immediately; but keeping the Posts as treats for the off moments...It's spring, you know.

We Retired-from-Careers FARMER WOMEN never get done this time-a year,

especially since the world decided to up and go 'F'ing Nuts bringing the city folk

to the country in search of clean food. 🥓🥩🥚🍗🥛🍎🌽🍓🍇🍖🍒🥒🥕🧅

Can you write more about the Mill?

"More please, Sir."

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I'd read more about the mill!

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Okay. I might be able to slip on in...say Friday? I got another piece coming out tomorrow for my "Arthur" story.

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That reminds me... I'm working on a project you might be interested in for your stories. Details to follow!

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