Sep 15Liked by Ben Woestenburg

I thought all along that Anna turned in Dieter. Now I am not so sure...

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I like that it keeps you guessing. When you find out, you'll say, ahh...that makes sense.

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I am now thinking that maybe it was Martin, himself, who did it as a measure of self-protection....

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Oh, there's a neat twist.

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Ben, this is just wonderful and compelling writing. I must admit that I'm not caught-up and I'm reading this out of order but I would have enjoyed it as a stand-alone just for the writing.

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Aw, thanks Jim. I really enjoyed the way it all came together.

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I don't know how I feel about this episode... not the writing, it's wonderful ... about that feeling that Martin is taking his anger with Anna on the kid. He sounds extremely cruel to Rudi in the beginning. Is he vaguely jealous? That this boy could have the future that the war denied him?

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Wow, I didn't see that, but I like it. I think it's more of his anger towards her though, thinking she betrayed him and then coming to him, looking for his help. It's strange, the things other people see in the stories we write, isn't it?

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