Your reading at the beginning of this one is your best yet. You go a bit more slowly, sound more relaxed, and are allowing yourself to "act" the lines. To be able to write this well, you must be projecting yourself into the characters when you write, so when you do that while you read, it really comes across.

Don't worry about it if you misread a line or include a momentary do over. Your story is gripping enough that the listener quickly forgets any mistakes and moves on with the unfolding action. You can allow yourself to do so also... relax into those great lines and be your characters. I know you want to do justice to your writing artistry, but readers are on a glide with the story and we won't be stopping to quibble if we're really caught up in it!

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What a fine writer you are, Ben. Such a lyrical, sensitive treatment of this terrible time in history. The dialogue here is absolutely authentic. "He painted landscapes that came from a part of him I didn’t know existed." "...with a man like my father there’s no good time to tell him you’re leaving." Lovely lines. I was not clear if this was the final chapter, or not, but if it is, you ended it in exactly the right place.

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Only the final piece for that chapter. And thank you so much for your words. I just love how you pick out lines that make me think: Wow, did I write that? Anyway, I think there's ten chapters.

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Oh, boy!

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Still keeping me enthralled, Ben. And it's hard to do in a serial...

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Good reading!


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Glad you like it! Thanks!

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