I serially publish books too, one segment at a time. I thought I should connect. Only I do not write them. (I do make some comments though). I translate and edit them. Most are ancient Eurasian History (it is our heritage), and these books have been suppressed in the west. That's my assumption, since there are no English translations.

They're from Russia and China. My theory is that The Process for World Peace and Conciliation is in UNDERSTANDING, understanding better who your supposed adversary is, and what their perceived needs are, and our other ideas, that may be “different” from theirs. I don't advocate being like any other. I think it is impossible to "cross cultures", or adopt other people's models. I also know plenty of atrocities from the Asian side.

This fist understanding is comprised of a balanced neutral history, devoid of slanted narratives, or at least looked at from all sides. It is what I am striving toward. But I am only considering ancient material, way before 20th century communism or cold-war reactions. Is ancient history how we arrived at our current stereo-types of thought? That is what we are looking to discover.

You may be way ahead of me, but just now I am at 1 million words. (Again, I don't write, but translation and editing is a big task.) My current upload is a Chinese social anthropologist's view of China and world relations. Maybe one of my best. I have some "whoppers" prepared for another half million words, and they will take me deep into the springtime.

Since Europe was/is so bellicose, I have a lot of understanding for the mechanism of conflict, and the assumptions that keep it going. I have a lot of understanding how colonial nations continually fostered war to undermine their competition, and best, to set two adversaries against each other and sit back and watch them devour each other. Even if that conflict spilled over, like in WWII, well, the drivers of policy were plenty willing to pay the costs of a few million of their own lives.

The romance of it all, what to say?? You have to believe in the memes.


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I looked at your page.It was very interesting so I followed it just to keep it and plan to look into it deeper after the holidays.

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I was drawn in after the first line and could not put it down -

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Many a fine lines and a great story! Impressive work, Ben!

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This is a compelling writing, Ben. The prose, the realism of the pictures painted, the relationships, the thoughts of home, the anticipation of what is to come, all contribute to a captivating story.

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Thanks Jim. I really appreciate that. Let's hope we both have a breakout year! All the best to you!

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This is just wonderful, Ben. I look forward to every chapter. Such complex , compelling relationships you have constructed. Happy Christmas.

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I love that story, Ben. I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year... with a lot of writing ahead!

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Thank you, Martine. Merry Christmas to you and yours

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