Outstanding dialog here, Ben. Natural and authentic. I look forward to the next episode. Is this story already written or are you creating it week to week? If you are still writing it, do you work from an outline?Do you already know how it will end?

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Jul 15·edited Jul 15Author

This story is already written. I wrote it while I was reading out THE DAWN PATROL. There was no outline, or plot. The only thing that mattered to me was tying in The Beethoven Kiss. So having her forcibly raped in what could only be called a brothel, but having all of that happen in the past, before 1947, moved the story ahead in a natural way. I could reveal all of that backstory in dialogue. That's when we "discover things." 1956 is supposed to clear it all up.

At least, that's sort of how I saw it in my mind's eye. There were a lot of things I had to be mindful of. My daughter telling me that I couldn't write from a Homosexual stand point, I think, is what convinced me that I could. She grew up in the 90's and became a teenager in the 00's. Her idea of Gay life, and mine, are worlds apart. I grew up in the 60's and remember the 70's. Those were my teenage years. I am the son of immigrants who came to Canada in '56. My mother always used the word "Homo."

Did I know how it was going to end? Just that the Beethoven Kiss had to be resolved, and the love story between Dieter and Martin had to be sorted out. Why did they lose contact? I didn't plan anything out, the story sort of slid in that direction. The dialogue carries a lot of my stories forward. It's like talking to myself. The ending is always so hard to nail. It's fluid when you're writing it. You can go in so many different directions. The best part is that I might have a dream about how I should end it, and I'd still have enough time to go in, change it, and edit it.

I'm trying to figure out what a good length would be. When I first started reading, my posts were too long. Now...they seem too short. Should I shoot for a half hour show and try to make my own commercials? Hmmm, I'm going to have to look into that...

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Thank you for this sharing of your process, Ben. It is of interest, I am sure, to most of your readers- especially if they are also writers.

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I am guessing it is hot where you are!

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Had to go out and pick a few things up today. Got up to 33 C. (That's 91 F.) Too hot in a shirt and tie, as well as a vest, so it's standard "Old Man" fare for me. I can't believe I've turned into my father, but I did. (Well, I've got my underwear on, what more do you want?) I get why old men do that, walk around in their underwear, I mean. It's so simple, I don't know if I should share it with you.

Who's gonna tell me I can't?

I'm the Dad.

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🤣🤣 I will take your word that your wearing underdaks (as we Aussies say)!

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Heat wave, going into next week. Right now, 30’ish (C).

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